Pushing the modern athlete to the next level

We believe athletes need more.

Our mission

Since 1970, middle school and high school athletics have been on an astronomical rise year after year. The landscape of sports continues to change and now is more focused on the individual athlete more than ever. With that comes positive and negatives, but we know the athlete is now a tool for others to make monetary gain. Making money isn’t a negative, as long as, the athlete is benefiting as well, but more importantly is the athlete, their brand, and the future being looked at with attentive care for them to succeed? In most cases, it is not. It’s just a way for someone to use their name, image, and likeness (fun way to throw in NIL) to benefit themselves never truly helping the athlete. 

College recruitment and what should be expected is an ever changing game. Many third party companies will share your information on social media but that’s it. Who is going above and beyond to get your name and abilities out there? Who is working with you on what it takes academically to get you qualified? Who is working with you to ensure you’re mentally prepared or even physically prepared? It’s more than just posting on social media like some companies do. We can post all day of the athletes we work with, and it would seem impressive, for sure! However, does that move the needle for that athlete? No.

Our mission is and will always be, put the athlete first. We have curated some of the brightest minds and top coaches from across the country to put this together. This is a massive undertaking but when done right, and with the right people on board, things can be done in a manner that is positive for all involved. And that’s our mission. Athlete first and everyone wins.


Athlete development

Developing the mind and body of the athlete in a holistic and sound manner.


High level camps

Develop skills, get direct feedback and learn from some of the top talent in the game.


Recruiting process

We will work with you to take a step by step approach to getting connected to colleges and matching your skills.


Athlete Management

Athlete management encompasses the whole athlete to develop not only their physical attributes but their intelligence as well.


NIL Representation

Name, image and likeness requires you to understand your value and worth. We want to help you navigate this new territory to match your ideal partnership.


Alpha series

A full encompassing athlete platform to maximize the growth & potential of each athlete.

Athletes placed in collegiate programs

Successful camps supported

High school athletes play at a Division 1 program

High school athletes across USA

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The main reasons I train with Torque are the consistent commitment from you and Jessica, along with your deep expertise in understanding how to tailor training for each individual. You both focus on preparing athletes for their season in a way that promotes optimal health and minimizes the risk of injury.

Carson Whisenhunt


San Franciso Giants

Up coming series



High School Football Combine/Camp Series Kickoff

Details to be released soon



Middle School Football Combine/Camp Series Kickoff

Details to be released soon



Baseball Preseason Combine/Instructional Camp

Details to be released soon